Friday, December 29, 2006

Happy New Year...Let's Boogie!

OK So I skipped last week so I could get a million and 1 things done...and I got like...1 thing done. That’s sad.

However, I will be there doing my live show THIS Saturday. That’s right! It’s going to be, my New Years Eve EVE Show.

I promise I will play my usual cheesey stuff, take some requests, make a few dedications, and all of our usual craziness.

12-3pm <---Go there RIGHT NOW!

Be there or I will have Sleeping Beauty kick your butt! (She can you know)


Friday, December 22, 2006

HO HO HO, There Will Be No Show

OK Cats & Kittens I am sad to say I won't be doing a radio show tomorrow morning/afternoon as scheduled. The holiday madness, and my great ski pole injury have caused me to get way behind in all of my tasks. I will be back NEXT Saturday (12/30/06) bringing you my usual craziness & cookies. 

Have a fabulous Christmas. 

Tell someone how special they are to you today...

Friday, December 15, 2006

I Feel Like a Shish Kabob..

Running with scissors, swinging ski poles, pointing a gun at someone...are all things that you should avoid to prevent accidental blood loss...
I'm just saying...
It's all fun and games until someone ends up with a hole in his or her leg...
Yesterday one of the movers from our sister office came in to help off-load a storage lot that was coming into our warehouse. There happened to be ski poles in this storage lot. He decided he was Babe Ruth, and started swinging them like a baseball bat.

I said, as I walked into the warehouse. "Someone is going to get hurt...knock it off."

Right then one of the ski poles flew out of his hand, and into my leg. It didn’t stick, and it didn't rip my jeans, but OH MY Gawd that hurt. I glared and walked back into the office, thinking I would go to my desk and wallow in pain in private. Then I looked down and noticed that I was not only leaving a trail of blood, but my jeans were sopping with it. (Insert panic here)

I ran into the bathroom and took off my pants. I looked down to find a 4-inch gash on my leg spewing blood. OK I hate blood; I hate the thought of losing blood out of my leg. So I sat there looking at the blood before I realized...Ewww...I have to make that stop. I'm lucky I didn't faint and bash my head open too. I grabbed the first aid kit out of the cabinet and played doctor. I tried to clean up my jeans, socks and boots...but I think all but the boots are a total loss. I spent the rest of the afternoon wincing in pain at my desk.

I'm now damaged goods, and will prolly never meet "Mr. Right" and live happily ever after...and it's all Kyle's fault. I got home and cleaned up the wound some more and changed the bandage. Looking at it, I probably should have had stitches, but now instead I will have a great big scar from "The Great Ski Pole Incident Of '06".
Just another typical day for me...

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Is It Me?...

Or do I have this giant magnet on me that attracts insane people?Seriously.

It's 4:50pm. I am just wrapping things up here at the office and I am just about to walk out the door. The phone rings. I shouldn't have answered it, but I did. It was "Nutjob storage lady". She had called the day before around 5:00 and I had already left so there was voice mail waiting for me when I got in yesterday. She needed to speak to me about the weight of her shipment, the cubic feet of her shipment, and about getting a copy of her inventories. When she called me yesterday, she started off, fairly normal. I asked how she was and asked what I could do for her.She started by telling me that she had been in litigation about something or another for the last 35 years. (There's a shock---and why do *I* care?) She asked if I had gotten her voice mail message. I explained that I did, and I would be happy to forward her a copy of the inventories of her belongings. I then explained that her shipment was never weighed, as that is not standard procedure to come into storage, and that is why I couldn't give her this information. When she demanded that it be weighed. I explained to her that we would NOT be doing that. We COULD do that, but then we would have to charge her for labor etc to take everything out of her storage, load it onto a truck, and take it to a weigh station. Year right...not gonna happen.

She flipped out. 

She said she need the information in order to determine if she wanted to take out more insurance on her shipment. Well...that has nothing to do with the coverage of her goods, and I explained that to her....or rather tried...but she talked over the top of me so she didn't hear me. Of course that is probably the one thing that will piss me off quicker then anything. I am explaining your contract...don't be a know it all, and cut me no no...don't EVER talk over the top of me. That makes me want to kill you. 

I take a deep breath, and remember *I* am the pro at this. I can do this...just be nice, and calm, and empathetic. Ok so I tried that...she shouted at me, she said nasty things about my ability to work here. SHE is the onw who is reading thins wrong. I know this, it's NOT me. I still lost it. I said "You know what Mrs. XXXXXX? I am going to refer you to my boss, who is also the owner of the company, as you don't seem to want to deal with me." That usually gets rid of their attitude, but OH no...when you are insane, it works just the opposite...silly me. How could I not know this? So...she then says "No! You won't refer me to anyone, I am dealing with you. I will call you back in a few days, and hopefully by then you will have someone explain the contract to you, that you clearly don't understand. I won't deal with anyone else, and I don't want to hear it, I am terminating this phone call" I tried to calm her down and explain to her that she needed to tell me what form she was looking at so maybe I could assist her better, as she was claiming that she was reading something on the contract that does NOT exsist... she said "I don't have time for this, and I am standing on a public phone in the rain" I said "Mrs. XXXXX, you just told me you needed a copy of your contract sent to you, if you don't HAVE a copy then how can you tell me you read it?" She spouted something about I am a fool and need to learn how to run a business, and said again that she was terminating this phone call and how I had better be prepared the next time she called me. 

I hung up on her.

I told my boss what had happened, when he called this morning. He said he would give her 30 days to get her things out of storage, and I wouldn't have to deal with her anymore. He would handle it. I have been in some form of conflict reslolution, Customer service, quality assurance, or retention position all of my life. It's what I am trained to do, it's what I am good at. I don't feel bad that I couldn't keep this woman happy, and retain her business. In fact I probably did my employer a favor. He will thank me...I just know it.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

I Used To Be Funnier...

...I was reading some of my old entries in my blog...PRE-CG...and I was a lot funnier. What happened? I think CG stole my funny. I am now just angry all the time...and bitter...and I'd re-name my blog the daily bitch, but that's I guess I just better get funnier or something.

By the way...I had a crappy day at work. I blame stupidity. Not MINE of course...More later...when I am funny again.

It's Secret Santa Time...

...and I got mine!
YEAH! I *Heart* Secret Sanata stuff...and Now I get to go out, and but something fabulous for my secret santa buddy...and make someone all warm and fuzzy!!!
...GO ME!

Wednesday, December 6, 2006


Have you ever made a choice, a simple insignificant choice, which changed your life in a way that you never thought it would?

Reflecting on the past year again...*sigh* Why do I do this? I try very hard not to look back on the past except as "lesson learned, move on...” type information. So why today am I in this mood?

I mean I really like who I am, and I really like my life. I even like the recent evolutions that have been taking place with me. I am not missing much in my I have nothing to be poopy about. Yet I sometimes get this way.

I am looking forward to next year, next month, the next evolution...Hopefully the correct choices will be made.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Reflecting On Fables

Some days, talking to your friends is like looking in a mirror...
My ex boyfriend suddenly died a couple of weeks ago of high blood pressure. He was 40. We had been over for a while, and frankly, he was abusive to me, but we had moved on from that. We had become friends again. He was raised in an abusive home, and the cycle continued. He got a lot of help over the years, and seemed like he was back on track. He had a girlfriend, a job, and had really cleaned up his life. You know what's sad? I told my friends about his death and all they could say was, "wow that sucks...wanna go out tonight?” He will most likely won't be remember by anyone in my circle for anything but being abusive to me. I don't make excuses for what he did to me...but I am sad that he had to die...and have no one care.

I was sitting here a little while ago and I was reflecting on the last year. What have I achieved? If I suddenly died today...what would people remember me for? Seriously. I couldn't think of anything great people would say about me. I could think a lot of people would probably say how horrible I was to them, or how mean I was. Who would miss me? Would someone besides my children (and at this point I debate if my daughter would actually miss me-or just my wallet) actually be sad?

I spent the first part of this year in a relationship with a man who used me for money, while he made an insane amount of money but lied to me about it. I put a lot of things in Jeopardy, including my freedom for this man. It was my fault. I could have said no to anything he wanted, but I thought I was helping someone who truly needed my help. What a waste of ten months, and a whole lot of money. What would I remember? How foolish I was.

I spent the summer feeling crappy about myself because I believed that the way I looked should be dictated by one person's opinion. I turned thatfelling into meanness, and hatred towards people *I* believed were prettier than me, or better than me at something I was good at. I was shown this last weekend, that I was wrong, and I have been bringing a lot of stress, and grief and rejection on myself because *I* believed those "prettier people" couldn't like me. Wasted friendships.

The last few months, I have been living in this "Fairytale World". The world where everything is great and wonderful and no one gets sick and dies. The world where everyone is nice to each other and everyone is friends. The world where no one gets hurt and no one leaves me. The world where everyone can find someone to love. I guess that too was just a fable I created because it was better than "Normal".
I don't think I like that mirror anymore.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Starbucks + Radio Show = GOOD MOJO

It was Super Size Weekend at the Mojo!
Saturday morning, where were you? Why were you NOT listening to MYshow? Must I call you and wake you up to join me? OK gimme your number and I will...

So I stayed up WAY too late on Friday night to help our newest DJ SleepingBeauty(see: Jen B.) get her sound check done, considering I had about 3 hours of sleep the night before I was cranky. So when
6:00am rolled around I hit the snooze button and went back to sleep for an hour. I slithered out of bed and stumbled to my computer so I could catch the last hour of Luka's show. She decided to do a three-hour show this weekend. Therefore, I got a bonus hour of her Mojo goodness! Two quadruple shots of espresso, later...I was live.

If I were to do a show on crack...I think it would be like this...

I did not plan my show on purpose. I wanted to see if I could just go live, unscripted, and do a request show with no planning. Guess what? I can. It was the most fun I have had since...ever. I had a FUN crowd in the chat room, and they dictated my play list. I played everything from"Tiffany" to "Lords Of Acid". The requests just kept coming, so I kept playing. My show is usually only 3 hours, but we kind of lost track of time and went 4.5 instead! I do not have another DJ that follows me until
9pm EST so I was gonna go till they pulled the plug on me. I ended up getting some bad new during my I ended it on a happy note, and promised to come back THIS Saturday with even more fun!

You can always download my pod cast, but I am much more fun live baby! 
Do you want to know what starbucks can do to a DJ?

Click above to download my show!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Dear Ass-Hat!

Dear Mr. Ass-Hat;

You in your giant, Ford F-350, gas-hog, lifted, tinted windowed, overcompensating for what you lack in your pants...bad driver. I hate you! Yes, I truly do. I wish you would smash into a tree and die.

Every DAMN morning I get behind you. It doesn't matter what time I leave my house. It doesn't matter how fast I drive to work. EVERY morning you are there. Either behind me, riding my ass... Ohhhh and the next time you do that? yeah, I am gonna slam on my breaks (because I saw a ghost) and watch you smash into the back of my car. Have you SEEN my car? I need a new one, and you can obviously afford to buy me one. Then there are the times when you race around me, nearly running me off the road, because you sat around scratching yourself all morning watching midget porn, and now YOU are late for your construction job, where you get to bang a big hammer! YAY you! You drive like a complete moron. You switch lanes without a signal. You drive 40 in a school zone, and then when you turn in front of me, as you do every day, you don't think you need to use a turn signal. Why is that? Do you think I can read your pee-sized mind? Well no Mr. shit-for-brains. I CAN'T!

Read My License plate ass-monkey...It says ICEPRINCEZZ for a reason!

Please FUCK-OFF!
Sincerely, Iceprincezz

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Why is someone in Maryland searching for these keywords?

dry, hump, brother, with, howdy, doody 


HOW did this lead them to my blog? 

Will someone please explain this mystery to me!

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

100 Things...

100 Things...

About Me...

1. I am right handed.

2. I HATE brussel sprouts. I think they are vile.

3. My middle name is Kay.

4. I love to dance.

5. I sleep with a teddy bear.

6. I have no tattoos, nor will I ever get one.

7. I have piercings. (I am not telling you where)

8. I'm not fond of dogs, but I adore anything feline.

9. I am an only child

10. I have never been to Mexico...and have no desire to do so.

11. I think Lima beans taste like dirt.

12. I once ate an entire box of Girl Scout Cookies.

13. I used to be a groupie for Wild Hare(

14. I have a crush on Will Smith.

15. I will never be a size 5.

16. My handwriting looks like a 16 year old girls.

17. I still wish on falling stars.

18. I miss my dad.

19. I love my job.

20. I am addicted to potatoes.

21. I like to garden.

22. I sometimes wonder what I would look like bald.

23. I never want to have children again.

24. I like to flirt.

25. I still (and most likely always will) Love Tom.

26. I never know what to order at Thai food.

27. I buy myself flowers. A Lot.

28. I love the colors red, & pink.

29. I decorate my Christmas tree in a different color theme every year.

30. I am a hopeless romantic.

31. I used to have a horse.

32. I live in a small town.

33. Mel Gibson thinks I am a good singer.

34. I once danced with Prince at an "after concert party".

35. I want to go to Italy some day.

36. I love sushi.

37. When I was little I got my hair stuck around the axel of my "Big Wheel", because I was riding while looking up at the sky, and my hair was down to my butt.

38. I like football.

39. I drink Pepsi NOT coke.

40. I love my car, before it was wrecked.

41. I would rather have a new PC, than a new TV.

42. I am not sure I'll ever find a man to think deep enough to please me.

43. I think my salesman at work is a pervert.

44. I would love to be a singer, but hate what society does to celebrities.

45. I played Everquest for 4 years. I miss it sometimes.

46. I once spent 4 days straight playing everquest without sleeping.

47. I haven't found a game I like enough to play longer than 3 hours at a time(since Everquest).
Edited: Thanks Chief Scientist!

48. I love tradition

49. I love family (blood or otherwise)

50. I once made a friend go through "an official fag hag ceremony" in front of lots of people just to torture her. (There is no such thing)

51. I am no longer friends with her.

52. I wish I had someone to fix dinner for/with every night.

53. I lack creative people in my life.

54. I can't stand Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie.

55. I think fake plants are tacky.

56. I wish more people would use their turn signal.

57. I wonder where the shoes on the side of the road come from.

58. I love to walk on the beach late at night during a full moon.

59. I love to feed the trained sealions at the aquarium. I let the tourists belive I hve trained them, when they do the tricks I signal them to do.

60. I like to make people think.

61. I am charismatic, and can make people do things...even things they don't want to do.

62. I am easily amused.

63. I believe in Love.

64. I believe love is better than money.

65. I prefer chocolate to vanilla.

66. I haved to be coaxed into trying dangerous things, but usually love it.

67. I am a pleaser.

68. I am a giant baby when I am sick.

60. I don't take medication for anything if I can help it. I don't believe in it.

61. I dislike the color blue quite a bit--yet my blog is blue..hmmmm go figure.

62. I build small scale villages as one of my hobbies.

63. I once attended a fetish party with a giant bunny.

64. I can't drive a stick shift car.

65. I can cook, but I don't very often.

66. When I cook, it's usually Italian food.

67. My heritage is English/French.

68. I love snow. I just don't want to live where it snows.

69. I don't take phone calls while Jeopardy is on.

70. I have had a DVD player for 3 years, and never hooked it up.

71. I retiled my kitchen floor one weekend, because I didn't want to mop it. (and it was ugly)

72. I have a giant tiki bar in my back yard.

73. I didn't get my driver's License until I was 19.

74. My Favorite food is by far...shrimp scampi.

75. The avergae cost of a house where I live is $600,000.00.

76. I live in a townhouse instead.

77. I secretly dream of choking the bosses son.

78. I want a pink pony with a glittery tail...really bad.

79. I have tiny feet.

80. I took baton lessons, and can still twirl a baton fairly well.

81. I have kissed a pig.

82. My favorite scent is Vanilla.

83. I hate walnuts.

84. I think spiders are very creepy, yet I was sad when the spider in the corner of my bathroom at work died.

85. I think sunlight is evil, hense why I am pale.

86. I used to make my family call me Nadia Comaneci when I was little.

87. I had a girl mullet once. (I am still mad at you mom)

88. I like anything blueberry.

89. I don't know what my natural hair color is anymore--it used to be very dark brown(nearly black).

90. I love soft beds with lots of pillows.

91. I prefer black ink to blue ink.

92. I bait my own hook, when fishing.

93. I have one friend who knows all my secrets.

94. When I go out with my daughter, people think I am her sister. (I love it/she hates it)

95. I am more like my grandmother, than my mother.

96. I am terrible at sports.

97. I am addicted to Starbucks. (triple venti mocha)

98. I am terrible with math.

99. I am musically inclined.

100. I am glad this survey is over.

Friday, November 3, 2006

National Sandwich Day...

It's Friday! You know, that means I am tired, and by the end of the day I will be cranky and need a nap. However, there is good news...

Today is National Sandwich Day. Have you hugged your sandwich yet? Wait...that's probably not correct. I think it probably means you need to eat a sandwich or something. So Go...and bring me one too K

Thursday, November 2, 2006

I'd Like To Buy A Clue...

...For our friend Nate.

He called Tuesday night. I did not answer. (To be fair, my phone was shut off)

He called last night. I didn't answer. I was having a better conversation on line with a hot guy who did not tell me how much he owned.

He called 15 freaking minutes later. I STILL did not answer.

What part of I don't go out monday-wednesday was not clear?! He left yet another message containing the word "holla" and "late" asking me if I wanted to "hang tonight". I'm not sure what the hell that actually means, but perhaps when Nate figures out how to speak in complete grammatically correct sentences, I'll answer the phone. Until then, he can enjoy dating my voice mailbox.

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

We Shall Call Him Nate...

'Cause that's his name.

I know I am not feeling very creative these days...but read on anyway won't you? Good!

JenB and I went to a little Halloween party the other night at a bar we hadn't been to in a long time. The last time we were there things got ugly so we decided it just wasn't worth it. Our Friend Veigny was doing his karaoke show there, and Jen wanted another excuse to wear her costume so off we went.

We got there and immediately there were way too many people for my liking. Maybe I should clarify. Way too many people I don't LIKE. We got a table and sang one sing right away. I was having an OK time when Jen exclaimed she was "over it". At that point, I figured I should just choke her. This was HER idea. I was against it from the beginning, as it was a "work night" for me, and I am kind of over this going out during the week more than once. I got a sitter, put on 10 lbs. of makeup, and teased my hair. We were staying damn it!

As the night progressed, and the men (boyz) became more intoxicated I guess I suddenly looked like someone who would date them, because they started to talk to me. (Note to self: get scarier costume next year.) Bachelor number 1 was dressed in a mullet wig and a "PONY" shirt. Yes, I frequently date men who don't look like they took much time to think of a costume...or was it a costume? I dunno...either way. NO! Then we have Nate. His friend had to talk to me for him. What are we in high school? The conversation went something like this....

"Hey, my friend wants to know what you are drinking."

OK THIS guy (Nate's friend) is not in costume, he is dressed like he just got off a field of some sort. He kind of smells funny.

"Um why? Is he taking a survey?"


OK Nate's friend has no sense of humor, this is futile.

"Stoli cran."

"What's that?"

"Stoli, and cranberry."

"What's Stoli?

Shaking head in disbelief "It's VODKA"


He looks at his friend and says something, then he asks what Jen is drinking, and I say the same. She wasn't really drinking, but a free drink is a free drink. They returned shortly with a couple of drinks, set them down and walked away. I just looked at Jen and shrugged. Of course, I thought they probably put that date rape drug in there or something and were waiting for us to fall over. They returned again and started talking to us. Well, Nate started talking to me. Jen and Nate's friend just sat quietly next to each other trying not to make eye contact.

Nate decided the best way to impress me would be to tell me about much crap he owns. OK this is about the WORST thing you can do. I am NOT materialistic. I have a job. I support myself. Men who think they can buy me offend me. I am NOT like that. Hey Nate...I don't care if you have a’s in BAKERSFIELD. I'd rather live in the warehouse at work, than live in Bakersfield! This debacle continues with him asking for my number. I know I know I should have given him the reject number, but I was afraid I would see him again somewhere and he'd kill me in the parking lot. I gave him my number. I honestly didn't think he would even remember to call, but alas, he did. First of all I told him I could not go out Mon-Wed as I have my kids and this Monday was a special occasion. Secondly I told him I work early in the morning and don't usually take calls after 9pm. (Of course my friends or hot guyz are the exceptions) Third, I told him I don't hang out in Paso(the town we were in) except to go to work.

I had spent most of the evening on line with a friend of mine talking about shoes, then went to bed early. (I lead an exciting life don't I?) My phone had died earlier in the day and I had forgotten to put it on the charger so when I turned it on this morning I had a message from Nate on my voice mail. He was asking me if I wanted to hang out with him Paso tongiht. WTF!?

Please please please men...when you call a girl you are interested in, unless she is dressed in a trucker hat turned sideways and a "bootylicious" T-shirt do not ever use the words "Holla" and "peace-out". Do I LOOK like I am auditioning for "Flavor of Love" to you? NO! You live in Bakersfield, not Oakland. You are not kewl because you speak all ghetto. NO NO NO! Have some class...'aight!?

I will not be "Hollering" at Nate in the near future...or...ever.


Monday, October 30, 2006

Truth Or Something Like It...


Seriously. I don't get it. I don't get why men feel they have to lie. To be fair...women lie too. I am just ranting on what I know. Men lie about the size of *giggle* they lie about their marital status. They lie about their sexuality. They even lie about murder, and the death of their children.

In the last year myself, or one of my friends have been lied to about all of the above. My crazy ass ex CG still creates these stories; he likes to believe as truth. I know...why do I still talk to him? I do not really. He has contacted me via e-mail a couple of times, and once by phone. The phone call I took because I needed closure. I wanted to ask him why he said all the crap he did to me, JUST to break up with me...and he lied...yet again. He continued to go on and on about how he is not working for the railroad, and how he is not living in Reno...etc. Yet does, and he is...and he is not so bright as to even cover that up when he talks to me. The last lie really took the cake. He claimed his daughter had passed away. That is sick. At this point, I am not even sure he actually HAS a daughter. If he does...he is a sick man for two reasons.

1. Why the hell would you tell someone your daughter had died? ARGH! That is horrible!

2. If your daughter had in fact died only two days before, why on EARTH would you be on Myspace, posting comments to friends about what a fabu weekend you JUST had with them?

I will tell you...If either of my children died...I would not be able to pull myself out of bed. I would just wilt like a flower.

I had watched a dear friend date a man for nearly two years. He is clearly gay, yet continued to date her, and tell her loved her etc...All the while making all kinds of hunky new gay friends, and shying away from straight sex with her. WHY? Why would you hurt someone like that? Admit you are gay and move on.

People lie to protect their secrets. Is that ok? Is it ok to lie to protect someone from an awful truth like cheating? Is it ok to lie to keep a job?
Where do the lies end?

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Monday, September 11, 2006

For Susan...

Where were you....When we lost so many?

I had just sent my son off to school, just like many did that morning. It seemed like any othe day, the sky was blue, and there was a slight chill in the air. I had just sat down to watch the weather, and have some coffee, when I saw the horror. I never met Susan, and never ever spoke with her, and until this project I knew nothing about her. However, there isn't a day that goes by since I signed up that I don't think about her, and the terrible loss her family suffered on that day. People that knew her, were blessed with the time they did have with her. This is my tribute to Susan...
Mrs. Susan Clancy Conlon was at her desk on the 81st floor in tower 1 when the first plane hit on Sept. 11. The 41-year-old supervisor in the Bank of America's fail-safe control division immediately called her mother, Vera Clancy, who was at work at the PS 36 annex in Annadale.

"She said a plane had hit the building and there was a lot of debris," Mrs. Clancy said. "She said her boss could see the plane and the elevators were not running. She was told to call us to let us know she was safe. Then she said she had to leave because they were calling her to evacuate."

At around 4:30 p.m. on Sept. 12, Mrs. Conlon's godmother listened to the piercing screams of a female voice on her answering machine. She was certain it was her goddaughter and the family clung to that one last glimmer of hope. But the hope soon dimmed.

Mrs. Conlon was happiest when picking peaches with her 6 year old daughter Kimberly. She loved rock 'n' roll music, counting the Beatles, the Grateful Dead, the Rolling Stones and Neil Young among her favorites. She was an expert in the kitchen, often making her daughter's favorite meals. "My next-door neighbor loved her eggplant so much, we made it for her one day," said Kimberly, who was always at her mother's side in the kitchen.When not in the kitchen or listening to music, Mrs. Conlon was in front of the television watching her beloved New York Giants and New York Yankees.

In addition to her daughter, Kimberly, her mother, Vera, and her brother, Neil, Mrs. Conlon is survived by her husband of seven years, John, and another brother, Kevin Clancy.

We Shall Never Forget...

Monday, August 21, 2006

Football Fever...

Ok so I have officially got my "Football Fever"...

I know it's only Pre-season for the REAL teams, but I went to my mover's game this weekend and now I am all set for the season. The Grizzlies didn't do as bad as I expected. Their defense was able to hold some pretty big guys back. They still have a few kinks to work out, as I saw more yellow flags hitting that field than I did players. Greg, and Rusty didn't even get to play. They claimed they weren't able to get uniforms in time since they started late in the practice season. I think they were just scared! They were standing at the gate taking tickets when I walked in. THAT alone was comedy enough for me. They play another home game in two weeks, and my daughter and I have decided to attend. Mainly just for a good laugh. 

I'll be planting my expanding butt in front of the TV every Saturday from now until the end of the football season. There is nothing like a nice cup of hot coffee, comfy sweats, and a throw blanket on a chilly Saturday morning. I love me some college ball, and this year I am really looking forward to the season. 
Go Bruins!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Movers Go Semi-Pro

Ok, so as most of my loyal readers (all 2 of you) know, I manage a moving company in California. My crew is a joke. I don't know how else to put it. I come to work every day and think wow, I have this kewl job, with this kewl boss, and I can totally sit here and blog, and play games all day and get paid for it....but then my crew walks in and I think about working at a local Taco Bell so I don't have to deal with them anymore. 

This morning two of my crew told me that last night they joined the semi-pro football team here in town. OHMYGOSH! These two are two of the biggest dumb asses on the actual planet. This will be total comedy.

Greg is a clutz. How in the hell can a clutz be a mover you ask? Well, he's not a good one. He actually dropped a shipper's washing machine off the walkboard once, and hoped she wouldn't notice! He's slow, and has probably never held a football in his life. Odds are this a futile attempt at trying to wrangle in women.

Then there is Rusty. He is cocky...and for no reason. When I tell him to go do something he looks at me like I am insane, and does it when HE wants to...yet...he never gets fired. OH the JOY! He is a smaller guy, and has trouble pushing a couch up a flight of stairs. I think once a REAL football player sees him on the field, he is going to make him a target. I give him two plays before he snaps like a twig.

Saturday the 19th is their first game...I can't wait to attend the bloodbath! Mainly because I am evil like that...I WILL take great pleasure in watching "The Goof Troop" being batted around like a cat with a ball of yarn! Good times I tell ya, GOOD FREAKIN TIMES!

Gosh I love Football!

Monday, August 7, 2006

Did You Miss Me?...

...Don't Lie! I know you did!
OK well My internet was down most of last week here at work. I know. That's no excuse since I have better internet at home, but that's what I am sticking with. I was too busy to blog from home, so deal with it! I live in a great city. My son is in day care during the week, and they have it at a different school this summer. It's out of my way, and not as close as his school. However, it's down a winding country road lined with oak trees dripping with Spanish moss. It's not unusual for me to see a bevy of quail tottering across the road, or a family of deer grazing in the fields. Every morning there is this woman walking her dog along the road. I don't know this woman, but every single morning as she walks along the road, she waves to me as I go by. I look forward to seeing her. It makes my day to know that I live somewhere, where people are genuinely nice. I used to think...Why is that woman waving at me? Now...I wave back.

Count your blessings today people...

Have you read this book? Why not!?

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Last Night It Rained...


...Or something like that. Since CG went insane and broke up with me, I haven't really dated much. I have had a few dates here and there, but nothing so fabulous that I actually wanted to see them again. I'm tired. I'm tired of immature men who think its ok to treat women like crap. I am tired of unintelligent men who think because I am "fluffy" I am desperate to go out with their dumb ass. (Not So Much!) I am tired of men who have no goals, or work ethic. I'm tired of men who can't pick up the phone and tell me something is going on in their life, but they STILL want to see me. That's O.K. I haven't felt much like putting any effort into dating anyway.

So there I am last night talking to "Belgium Boy" on line, when my phone rings. It's "TV Editor Guy". He sounds like he is pretty buzzed but I can't tell for sure. He starts talking about how badly he wants to take me somewhere fun, and how on the 12th we should just pick up and head to Vegas for the weekend. I can't just pick up and leave. I have a job that I can't just call in and say "Hey Boss, I am in Vegas...can't come in today MMMK?" Yeah NO. That would NOT fly at all! Besides, I keep having this vision of "T.V.E.G." taking me out in the middle of the desert and killing me. I most likely wouldn't be found until some buzzard had pecked out my eyes...WTF? I do NOT want to be found with no eyes! Therefore, I think I will have to remain a NO on Vegas.

I get off the phone with "T.V.E.G.", and I resume trying to have a conversation with "Belgium Boy". We are chatting along, about...the weather when my phone rang AGAIN! OK why doesn't this happen when I am sitting home, alone, with nothing to do? This time it was "Ren Faire Guy". OK this one disappeared off the planet for like a month, and returns unexpectedly so smitten with me that he can't see straight. I mean I get can he not? you can't just call once a month and expect me to be waiting by the phone for you. We had a nice conversation, but I think I would probably scare him if I met him in person. He'd think I was too hyperactive, or too loud, or not funny. That would be bad...cause I am funny dammit! I dunno we will see.

The entire time I am on the phone with these two, Belgium Boy is chatting with me trying to make me laugh. Here were these guyz pouring their hearts out to me, and BB is talking about what good blog this is going to make tomorrow.

*Le Sigh*

Now It's MixMania Time!
When Jim announced the next MixMania theme, I got HOT! OK ...well at least My Disc was hot!
1. Hot Hot Hot!- Buster Poindexter
2. Some Like It Hot- Robert Palmer
3. It's Too Darn Hot- Ella Fitzgerald
4. Too Hot To Handle-UFO
5. Heatwave- Martha & The Vandellas
6. Hot In The City Tonight- Billy Idol
7. Hot Child In The City- Nick Gilder
8. Hot Stuff- Donna Summer
9. Hot Legs- Rod Stewart
10. Hot Blooded- Foreigner
11. Hot Mama- Trace Adkins
12. Hot In Here- Nelly
13. Hot- Black Eyed Peas
14. Hot Hot Hot!!- The Cure

OH and Thanks to Evil Mommy! I got my disk, and Loved it!
Thanks hon, you rock!

Monday, July 31, 2006


I'm glad Blogathon 2006 is over...

Don't get me wrong I had a lot of fun. I met some great people. I ate a CRAPLOAD of food, and raised some money for my charity. Actually staying up for 24 hours was NOT the hard part. I admit I was not prepared. I guess I thought it would be easier to come up with something that people would want to read every 30 minutes. It seemed like JUST when I would get one posted about all I had time to do was re-fuel, stand up and stretch, and then sit back down and come up with the next one. My idea of having a party was a bad one too. I mean I don't mind having all of my most annoying friends over, but when they are all drunk and having fun, and I wasn't...That just made me punch everyone in the face. OH and could they have left me with a bigger mess to clean up the next day? WTF?

I guess people think I am a maid or something cause YEAH...HI...I just stayed up 24 hours posting random crap every 30 minutes, my feet are still swollen, I have to work tomorrow...and NOW I have to get up and not just clean house and do laundry...but clean up the gross kitchen, take out the trash...Oh ya know stuff that COULD have been done as the mess was being made...I'm just SAYING...

Let's just say I am REALLY glad to be at work today. Back to normal. My Starbucks triple mocha, my comfy chair, my clean office, and It's not a million degrees here today.

Life is good.

You can still donate to The American Cancer Society and sponsor me for the next day or click here if you missed out on Blogathon.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

That's ALL Folks!

Ok I did it...I stayed up for 24 hours! I posted 48 posts for blogathon 2006, with a few guest posters, and a LOT of cheerleaders. All for The American Cancer Society!
We raised $86.00. 
I think I could have done better...but it's GREAT! Every little bit helps!

I could NOT have done this alone. so a few very special thank yous go out on this last post...

Franky: OK I have to Thank YOU the most. You stayed with me for 20 straight hours, chatting, and camming, and cheering me on. Thanks so much cutie! Next! xoxoxox

Monty: Um It's SO ON....coleslaw wrestlemania baby! rock...and I love ya!

Jeckles: Get INTO my stable! Thanks for all the comedy tonight on Mango Radio.

Webkittyn: Thanks so much for all the pimping in Mango Radio Chat room. Your songs were the best!

Utopia: I know you hate people...but you are so funny...Thanks for getting me through 3 hours! YOU ARE GREAT!

Serge: Last but not least...I think the best monitor in the business! Was ALWAYS there, through the entire damn thing!

For all the posters, sponsors and people it took to make this blogathon fun for me...Thank YOU!

47 SO CLOSE....

Random Random Random

I got more...sure I do....

I sleep in a nightgown.... usually satin

I have always got cold feet in the winter

I REALLY Like the TV show Family Guy!

I really want this blog to end. I really want to be alseep....


OMG....only a couple more to go. I can do this. Jen is staying up with me, and I have a couple of cheerleaders staying up with me even though they aren't yeah BIG hugs to those of you who have been with me through all of this!

OK so more chewy random...

I have a mole on my leg

I LOVE taters

I like to go dancing

I don't really like spiders, and really wish they would all make webs somewhere ELSE!

I want a stable of ponies

I like cole slaw

Some day I will get married again

45....Le Pooped Out!

OK I am so cranky...and tired and my feet look like giant balloons with toes! Seriously...they hurt!

I have no more I shall just blog random lists of things about me that you never really wanted to know but MUST know, because I would be a big o pussy if I posted one

I have never ran with scissors

I once got my office paintballed with pink paint by some thugs across the streat

I do NOT have a tatto

I do have a piercing

I like wine tasting

I drive a white Nissan Sentra

I LOVE Everquest

I am a big giant nerd/geek

I wear glasses...but don't have them on at the moment.

I have a hamster named Scoopi (The clown).


OK so more randomly goodness....

Jen wears hot pink panties that look a LOT like her twat(according to her).

I have been talking to Franky for like 18 hours now. Is this like some common-blog marriage now?

I am a singer and my favorite song to sing is not Heartbreaker (even though it's one of my best songs)

My favorite song to sing is Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered.

My daughter will NOT go to bed....

I loved Mario Brothers The video game...the original. 

I wear hats a lot...cause I like them.

My hair will NOT be the same color next month.

When I was little I liked to dance naked and I always wanted to be a stripper. Maybe it was because my parents LOVED that song "The Stripper" while I was growing up?

My nose itches!


OK MY feet are time for a guest blogger (MY Roomate) and she promised to write more than one line!

Yay!!! Finally my dream has come true! I get to be a guest blogger on the Ice Palace. Oh, whatever shall I write? Hmmm... let me see 5 facts about Debi aka the Ice Princezz:
1. Debi is, in fact, a bitch, hence the moniker.
2. Debi is a bi-pickle AND olive.
3. She likes a circumcised penis.
4. She stalks because she cares.
5. She does NOT wear panties.

Ok, now that she's going to KILL me, I guess I'll hand it back over to her!


EDIT: OK so I think maybe we should cole slaw wrestle...Monty, Jeckles and I What do you think? KNOW I love you...we can share right?

OK Monty over at The Daily bitch is about to lose one of her "ponies" 
I am about to ride him right off into the sunset!

OK Jeckles is sooooo not liking my one line posts...and I know they suck. They suck so bad it's unfreakenbelievable. However...I can't even funtion at like 2:30 in the morning.

I guess I could go on and on and on about how much I like sock monkies, and karaoke.

I once had a boyfriend pretend to leave the country to break up with me...maybe I shouldn't have told you that huh!?

I really really like my job, and blogging, (even though it's a massive waste of time). 

I really like it when butterflies land on the noses of small children in spring!

When I grow up I want to be an astronaut so I can drink Tang! That''s some yummy goodness in a glass right there!

I once played an indian in a school play...but I guess it's Native American now...cause that was like 30 years ago!

My favorite color is pink. I sometimes dress rockabilly..and then sometimes just lazy.

OK so I am tierd.....Jeckles SUCK it and Deal! LOL
