Monday, November 20, 2006

Starbucks + Radio Show = GOOD MOJO

It was Super Size Weekend at the Mojo!
Saturday morning, where were you? Why were you NOT listening to MYshow? Must I call you and wake you up to join me? OK gimme your number and I will...

So I stayed up WAY too late on Friday night to help our newest DJ SleepingBeauty(see: Jen B.) get her sound check done, considering I had about 3 hours of sleep the night before I was cranky. So when
6:00am rolled around I hit the snooze button and went back to sleep for an hour. I slithered out of bed and stumbled to my computer so I could catch the last hour of Luka's show. She decided to do a three-hour show this weekend. Therefore, I got a bonus hour of her Mojo goodness! Two quadruple shots of espresso, later...I was live.

If I were to do a show on crack...I think it would be like this...

I did not plan my show on purpose. I wanted to see if I could just go live, unscripted, and do a request show with no planning. Guess what? I can. It was the most fun I have had since...ever. I had a FUN crowd in the chat room, and they dictated my play list. I played everything from"Tiffany" to "Lords Of Acid". The requests just kept coming, so I kept playing. My show is usually only 3 hours, but we kind of lost track of time and went 4.5 instead! I do not have another DJ that follows me until
9pm EST so I was gonna go till they pulled the plug on me. I ended up getting some bad new during my I ended it on a happy note, and promised to come back THIS Saturday with even more fun!

You can always download my pod cast, but I am much more fun live baby! 
Do you want to know what starbucks can do to a DJ?

Click above to download my show!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Dear Ass-Hat!

Dear Mr. Ass-Hat;

You in your giant, Ford F-350, gas-hog, lifted, tinted windowed, overcompensating for what you lack in your pants...bad driver. I hate you! Yes, I truly do. I wish you would smash into a tree and die.

Every DAMN morning I get behind you. It doesn't matter what time I leave my house. It doesn't matter how fast I drive to work. EVERY morning you are there. Either behind me, riding my ass... Ohhhh and the next time you do that? yeah, I am gonna slam on my breaks (because I saw a ghost) and watch you smash into the back of my car. Have you SEEN my car? I need a new one, and you can obviously afford to buy me one. Then there are the times when you race around me, nearly running me off the road, because you sat around scratching yourself all morning watching midget porn, and now YOU are late for your construction job, where you get to bang a big hammer! YAY you! You drive like a complete moron. You switch lanes without a signal. You drive 40 in a school zone, and then when you turn in front of me, as you do every day, you don't think you need to use a turn signal. Why is that? Do you think I can read your pee-sized mind? Well no Mr. shit-for-brains. I CAN'T!

Read My License plate ass-monkey...It says ICEPRINCEZZ for a reason!

Please FUCK-OFF!
Sincerely, Iceprincezz

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Why is someone in Maryland searching for these keywords?

dry, hump, brother, with, howdy, doody 


HOW did this lead them to my blog? 

Will someone please explain this mystery to me!

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

100 Things...

100 Things...

About Me...

1. I am right handed.

2. I HATE brussel sprouts. I think they are vile.

3. My middle name is Kay.

4. I love to dance.

5. I sleep with a teddy bear.

6. I have no tattoos, nor will I ever get one.

7. I have piercings. (I am not telling you where)

8. I'm not fond of dogs, but I adore anything feline.

9. I am an only child

10. I have never been to Mexico...and have no desire to do so.

11. I think Lima beans taste like dirt.

12. I once ate an entire box of Girl Scout Cookies.

13. I used to be a groupie for Wild Hare(

14. I have a crush on Will Smith.

15. I will never be a size 5.

16. My handwriting looks like a 16 year old girls.

17. I still wish on falling stars.

18. I miss my dad.

19. I love my job.

20. I am addicted to potatoes.

21. I like to garden.

22. I sometimes wonder what I would look like bald.

23. I never want to have children again.

24. I like to flirt.

25. I still (and most likely always will) Love Tom.

26. I never know what to order at Thai food.

27. I buy myself flowers. A Lot.

28. I love the colors red, & pink.

29. I decorate my Christmas tree in a different color theme every year.

30. I am a hopeless romantic.

31. I used to have a horse.

32. I live in a small town.

33. Mel Gibson thinks I am a good singer.

34. I once danced with Prince at an "after concert party".

35. I want to go to Italy some day.

36. I love sushi.

37. When I was little I got my hair stuck around the axel of my "Big Wheel", because I was riding while looking up at the sky, and my hair was down to my butt.

38. I like football.

39. I drink Pepsi NOT coke.

40. I love my car, before it was wrecked.

41. I would rather have a new PC, than a new TV.

42. I am not sure I'll ever find a man to think deep enough to please me.

43. I think my salesman at work is a pervert.

44. I would love to be a singer, but hate what society does to celebrities.

45. I played Everquest for 4 years. I miss it sometimes.

46. I once spent 4 days straight playing everquest without sleeping.

47. I haven't found a game I like enough to play longer than 3 hours at a time(since Everquest).
Edited: Thanks Chief Scientist!

48. I love tradition

49. I love family (blood or otherwise)

50. I once made a friend go through "an official fag hag ceremony" in front of lots of people just to torture her. (There is no such thing)

51. I am no longer friends with her.

52. I wish I had someone to fix dinner for/with every night.

53. I lack creative people in my life.

54. I can't stand Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie.

55. I think fake plants are tacky.

56. I wish more people would use their turn signal.

57. I wonder where the shoes on the side of the road come from.

58. I love to walk on the beach late at night during a full moon.

59. I love to feed the trained sealions at the aquarium. I let the tourists belive I hve trained them, when they do the tricks I signal them to do.

60. I like to make people think.

61. I am charismatic, and can make people do things...even things they don't want to do.

62. I am easily amused.

63. I believe in Love.

64. I believe love is better than money.

65. I prefer chocolate to vanilla.

66. I haved to be coaxed into trying dangerous things, but usually love it.

67. I am a pleaser.

68. I am a giant baby when I am sick.

60. I don't take medication for anything if I can help it. I don't believe in it.

61. I dislike the color blue quite a bit--yet my blog is blue..hmmmm go figure.

62. I build small scale villages as one of my hobbies.

63. I once attended a fetish party with a giant bunny.

64. I can't drive a stick shift car.

65. I can cook, but I don't very often.

66. When I cook, it's usually Italian food.

67. My heritage is English/French.

68. I love snow. I just don't want to live where it snows.

69. I don't take phone calls while Jeopardy is on.

70. I have had a DVD player for 3 years, and never hooked it up.

71. I retiled my kitchen floor one weekend, because I didn't want to mop it. (and it was ugly)

72. I have a giant tiki bar in my back yard.

73. I didn't get my driver's License until I was 19.

74. My Favorite food is by far...shrimp scampi.

75. The avergae cost of a house where I live is $600,000.00.

76. I live in a townhouse instead.

77. I secretly dream of choking the bosses son.

78. I want a pink pony with a glittery tail...really bad.

79. I have tiny feet.

80. I took baton lessons, and can still twirl a baton fairly well.

81. I have kissed a pig.

82. My favorite scent is Vanilla.

83. I hate walnuts.

84. I think spiders are very creepy, yet I was sad when the spider in the corner of my bathroom at work died.

85. I think sunlight is evil, hense why I am pale.

86. I used to make my family call me Nadia Comaneci when I was little.

87. I had a girl mullet once. (I am still mad at you mom)

88. I like anything blueberry.

89. I don't know what my natural hair color is anymore--it used to be very dark brown(nearly black).

90. I love soft beds with lots of pillows.

91. I prefer black ink to blue ink.

92. I bait my own hook, when fishing.

93. I have one friend who knows all my secrets.

94. When I go out with my daughter, people think I am her sister. (I love it/she hates it)

95. I am more like my grandmother, than my mother.

96. I am terrible at sports.

97. I am addicted to Starbucks. (triple venti mocha)

98. I am terrible with math.

99. I am musically inclined.

100. I am glad this survey is over.

Friday, November 3, 2006

National Sandwich Day...

It's Friday! You know, that means I am tired, and by the end of the day I will be cranky and need a nap. However, there is good news...

Today is National Sandwich Day. Have you hugged your sandwich yet? Wait...that's probably not correct. I think it probably means you need to eat a sandwich or something. So Go...and bring me one too K

Thursday, November 2, 2006

I'd Like To Buy A Clue...

...For our friend Nate.

He called Tuesday night. I did not answer. (To be fair, my phone was shut off)

He called last night. I didn't answer. I was having a better conversation on line with a hot guy who did not tell me how much he owned.

He called 15 freaking minutes later. I STILL did not answer.

What part of I don't go out monday-wednesday was not clear?! He left yet another message containing the word "holla" and "late" asking me if I wanted to "hang tonight". I'm not sure what the hell that actually means, but perhaps when Nate figures out how to speak in complete grammatically correct sentences, I'll answer the phone. Until then, he can enjoy dating my voice mailbox.

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

We Shall Call Him Nate...

'Cause that's his name.

I know I am not feeling very creative these days...but read on anyway won't you? Good!

JenB and I went to a little Halloween party the other night at a bar we hadn't been to in a long time. The last time we were there things got ugly so we decided it just wasn't worth it. Our Friend Veigny was doing his karaoke show there, and Jen wanted another excuse to wear her costume so off we went.

We got there and immediately there were way too many people for my liking. Maybe I should clarify. Way too many people I don't LIKE. We got a table and sang one sing right away. I was having an OK time when Jen exclaimed she was "over it". At that point, I figured I should just choke her. This was HER idea. I was against it from the beginning, as it was a "work night" for me, and I am kind of over this going out during the week more than once. I got a sitter, put on 10 lbs. of makeup, and teased my hair. We were staying damn it!

As the night progressed, and the men (boyz) became more intoxicated I guess I suddenly looked like someone who would date them, because they started to talk to me. (Note to self: get scarier costume next year.) Bachelor number 1 was dressed in a mullet wig and a "PONY" shirt. Yes, I frequently date men who don't look like they took much time to think of a costume...or was it a costume? I dunno...either way. NO! Then we have Nate. His friend had to talk to me for him. What are we in high school? The conversation went something like this....

"Hey, my friend wants to know what you are drinking."

OK THIS guy (Nate's friend) is not in costume, he is dressed like he just got off a field of some sort. He kind of smells funny.

"Um why? Is he taking a survey?"


OK Nate's friend has no sense of humor, this is futile.

"Stoli cran."

"What's that?"

"Stoli, and cranberry."

"What's Stoli?

Shaking head in disbelief "It's VODKA"


He looks at his friend and says something, then he asks what Jen is drinking, and I say the same. She wasn't really drinking, but a free drink is a free drink. They returned shortly with a couple of drinks, set them down and walked away. I just looked at Jen and shrugged. Of course, I thought they probably put that date rape drug in there or something and were waiting for us to fall over. They returned again and started talking to us. Well, Nate started talking to me. Jen and Nate's friend just sat quietly next to each other trying not to make eye contact.

Nate decided the best way to impress me would be to tell me about much crap he owns. OK this is about the WORST thing you can do. I am NOT materialistic. I have a job. I support myself. Men who think they can buy me offend me. I am NOT like that. Hey Nate...I don't care if you have a’s in BAKERSFIELD. I'd rather live in the warehouse at work, than live in Bakersfield! This debacle continues with him asking for my number. I know I know I should have given him the reject number, but I was afraid I would see him again somewhere and he'd kill me in the parking lot. I gave him my number. I honestly didn't think he would even remember to call, but alas, he did. First of all I told him I could not go out Mon-Wed as I have my kids and this Monday was a special occasion. Secondly I told him I work early in the morning and don't usually take calls after 9pm. (Of course my friends or hot guyz are the exceptions) Third, I told him I don't hang out in Paso(the town we were in) except to go to work.

I had spent most of the evening on line with a friend of mine talking about shoes, then went to bed early. (I lead an exciting life don't I?) My phone had died earlier in the day and I had forgotten to put it on the charger so when I turned it on this morning I had a message from Nate on my voice mail. He was asking me if I wanted to hang out with him Paso tongiht. WTF!?

Please please please men...when you call a girl you are interested in, unless she is dressed in a trucker hat turned sideways and a "bootylicious" T-shirt do not ever use the words "Holla" and "peace-out". Do I LOOK like I am auditioning for "Flavor of Love" to you? NO! You live in Bakersfield, not Oakland. You are not kewl because you speak all ghetto. NO NO NO! Have some class...'aight!?

I will not be "Hollering" at Nate in the near future...or...ever.
