Friday, December 29, 2006

Happy New Year...Let's Boogie!

OK So I skipped last week so I could get a million and 1 things done...and I got like...1 thing done. That’s sad.

However, I will be there doing my live show THIS Saturday. That’s right! It’s going to be, my New Years Eve EVE Show.

I promise I will play my usual cheesey stuff, take some requests, make a few dedications, and all of our usual craziness.

12-3pm <---Go there RIGHT NOW!

Be there or I will have Sleeping Beauty kick your butt! (She can you know)


Friday, December 22, 2006

HO HO HO, There Will Be No Show

OK Cats & Kittens I am sad to say I won't be doing a radio show tomorrow morning/afternoon as scheduled. The holiday madness, and my great ski pole injury have caused me to get way behind in all of my tasks. I will be back NEXT Saturday (12/30/06) bringing you my usual craziness & cookies. 

Have a fabulous Christmas. 

Tell someone how special they are to you today...

Friday, December 15, 2006

I Feel Like a Shish Kabob..

Running with scissors, swinging ski poles, pointing a gun at someone...are all things that you should avoid to prevent accidental blood loss...
I'm just saying...
It's all fun and games until someone ends up with a hole in his or her leg...
Yesterday one of the movers from our sister office came in to help off-load a storage lot that was coming into our warehouse. There happened to be ski poles in this storage lot. He decided he was Babe Ruth, and started swinging them like a baseball bat.

I said, as I walked into the warehouse. "Someone is going to get hurt...knock it off."

Right then one of the ski poles flew out of his hand, and into my leg. It didn’t stick, and it didn't rip my jeans, but OH MY Gawd that hurt. I glared and walked back into the office, thinking I would go to my desk and wallow in pain in private. Then I looked down and noticed that I was not only leaving a trail of blood, but my jeans were sopping with it. (Insert panic here)

I ran into the bathroom and took off my pants. I looked down to find a 4-inch gash on my leg spewing blood. OK I hate blood; I hate the thought of losing blood out of my leg. So I sat there looking at the blood before I realized...Ewww...I have to make that stop. I'm lucky I didn't faint and bash my head open too. I grabbed the first aid kit out of the cabinet and played doctor. I tried to clean up my jeans, socks and boots...but I think all but the boots are a total loss. I spent the rest of the afternoon wincing in pain at my desk.

I'm now damaged goods, and will prolly never meet "Mr. Right" and live happily ever after...and it's all Kyle's fault. I got home and cleaned up the wound some more and changed the bandage. Looking at it, I probably should have had stitches, but now instead I will have a great big scar from "The Great Ski Pole Incident Of '06".
Just another typical day for me...

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Is It Me?...

Or do I have this giant magnet on me that attracts insane people?Seriously.

It's 4:50pm. I am just wrapping things up here at the office and I am just about to walk out the door. The phone rings. I shouldn't have answered it, but I did. It was "Nutjob storage lady". She had called the day before around 5:00 and I had already left so there was voice mail waiting for me when I got in yesterday. She needed to speak to me about the weight of her shipment, the cubic feet of her shipment, and about getting a copy of her inventories. When she called me yesterday, she started off, fairly normal. I asked how she was and asked what I could do for her.She started by telling me that she had been in litigation about something or another for the last 35 years. (There's a shock---and why do *I* care?) She asked if I had gotten her voice mail message. I explained that I did, and I would be happy to forward her a copy of the inventories of her belongings. I then explained that her shipment was never weighed, as that is not standard procedure to come into storage, and that is why I couldn't give her this information. When she demanded that it be weighed. I explained to her that we would NOT be doing that. We COULD do that, but then we would have to charge her for labor etc to take everything out of her storage, load it onto a truck, and take it to a weigh station. Year right...not gonna happen.

She flipped out. 

She said she need the information in order to determine if she wanted to take out more insurance on her shipment. Well...that has nothing to do with the coverage of her goods, and I explained that to her....or rather tried...but she talked over the top of me so she didn't hear me. Of course that is probably the one thing that will piss me off quicker then anything. I am explaining your contract...don't be a know it all, and cut me no no...don't EVER talk over the top of me. That makes me want to kill you. 

I take a deep breath, and remember *I* am the pro at this. I can do this...just be nice, and calm, and empathetic. Ok so I tried that...she shouted at me, she said nasty things about my ability to work here. SHE is the onw who is reading thins wrong. I know this, it's NOT me. I still lost it. I said "You know what Mrs. XXXXXX? I am going to refer you to my boss, who is also the owner of the company, as you don't seem to want to deal with me." That usually gets rid of their attitude, but OH no...when you are insane, it works just the opposite...silly me. How could I not know this? So...she then says "No! You won't refer me to anyone, I am dealing with you. I will call you back in a few days, and hopefully by then you will have someone explain the contract to you, that you clearly don't understand. I won't deal with anyone else, and I don't want to hear it, I am terminating this phone call" I tried to calm her down and explain to her that she needed to tell me what form she was looking at so maybe I could assist her better, as she was claiming that she was reading something on the contract that does NOT exsist... she said "I don't have time for this, and I am standing on a public phone in the rain" I said "Mrs. XXXXX, you just told me you needed a copy of your contract sent to you, if you don't HAVE a copy then how can you tell me you read it?" She spouted something about I am a fool and need to learn how to run a business, and said again that she was terminating this phone call and how I had better be prepared the next time she called me. 

I hung up on her.

I told my boss what had happened, when he called this morning. He said he would give her 30 days to get her things out of storage, and I wouldn't have to deal with her anymore. He would handle it. I have been in some form of conflict reslolution, Customer service, quality assurance, or retention position all of my life. It's what I am trained to do, it's what I am good at. I don't feel bad that I couldn't keep this woman happy, and retain her business. In fact I probably did my employer a favor. He will thank me...I just know it.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

I Used To Be Funnier...

...I was reading some of my old entries in my blog...PRE-CG...and I was a lot funnier. What happened? I think CG stole my funny. I am now just angry all the time...and bitter...and I'd re-name my blog the daily bitch, but that's I guess I just better get funnier or something.

By the way...I had a crappy day at work. I blame stupidity. Not MINE of course...More later...when I am funny again.

It's Secret Santa Time...

...and I got mine!
YEAH! I *Heart* Secret Sanata stuff...and Now I get to go out, and but something fabulous for my secret santa buddy...and make someone all warm and fuzzy!!!
...GO ME!

Wednesday, December 6, 2006


Have you ever made a choice, a simple insignificant choice, which changed your life in a way that you never thought it would?

Reflecting on the past year again...*sigh* Why do I do this? I try very hard not to look back on the past except as "lesson learned, move on...” type information. So why today am I in this mood?

I mean I really like who I am, and I really like my life. I even like the recent evolutions that have been taking place with me. I am not missing much in my I have nothing to be poopy about. Yet I sometimes get this way.

I am looking forward to next year, next month, the next evolution...Hopefully the correct choices will be made.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Reflecting On Fables

Some days, talking to your friends is like looking in a mirror...
My ex boyfriend suddenly died a couple of weeks ago of high blood pressure. He was 40. We had been over for a while, and frankly, he was abusive to me, but we had moved on from that. We had become friends again. He was raised in an abusive home, and the cycle continued. He got a lot of help over the years, and seemed like he was back on track. He had a girlfriend, a job, and had really cleaned up his life. You know what's sad? I told my friends about his death and all they could say was, "wow that sucks...wanna go out tonight?” He will most likely won't be remember by anyone in my circle for anything but being abusive to me. I don't make excuses for what he did to me...but I am sad that he had to die...and have no one care.

I was sitting here a little while ago and I was reflecting on the last year. What have I achieved? If I suddenly died today...what would people remember me for? Seriously. I couldn't think of anything great people would say about me. I could think a lot of people would probably say how horrible I was to them, or how mean I was. Who would miss me? Would someone besides my children (and at this point I debate if my daughter would actually miss me-or just my wallet) actually be sad?

I spent the first part of this year in a relationship with a man who used me for money, while he made an insane amount of money but lied to me about it. I put a lot of things in Jeopardy, including my freedom for this man. It was my fault. I could have said no to anything he wanted, but I thought I was helping someone who truly needed my help. What a waste of ten months, and a whole lot of money. What would I remember? How foolish I was.

I spent the summer feeling crappy about myself because I believed that the way I looked should be dictated by one person's opinion. I turned thatfelling into meanness, and hatred towards people *I* believed were prettier than me, or better than me at something I was good at. I was shown this last weekend, that I was wrong, and I have been bringing a lot of stress, and grief and rejection on myself because *I* believed those "prettier people" couldn't like me. Wasted friendships.

The last few months, I have been living in this "Fairytale World". The world where everything is great and wonderful and no one gets sick and dies. The world where everyone is nice to each other and everyone is friends. The world where no one gets hurt and no one leaves me. The world where everyone can find someone to love. I guess that too was just a fable I created because it was better than "Normal".
I don't think I like that mirror anymore.