Once upon a time, there lived a princess…
She met a prince…he shall be called Sir Finnian MacLeod, Baron of Scota MacTiera, Marquis of the march of Tartarus, Imperius Vox Lupus, High commander of the imperial army and member of the Bentwood Raiders Mercenaries…or maybe just renaissance festival boy…or maybe just RFB Yes, RFB it shall be! Huzzah! (Sorry I was carried away)
So…back to the fairytale. I met yet another one on line. This was on the same site that I met B.B. I did not ACTUALLY think anything would come of it, as he lives in …hello…FLORIDA. I read his profile, and thought he was rather charming, but was disappointed when I saw that he lived on the opposite side of the country from me…so all I said was “Too bad you’re in Florida!” That was that. I never thought I would receive any kind of response. However. I did!
Saturday night I logged in to see he had sent me a brief note “Good things come to those who wait.” Weird…but I liked it. I could use a nice banter with a cute guy, so I replied. Monday I received an e-mail reply from him, which told me he thought I was… and I quote “Incredibly Sexy”. Well how can I deny him the pleasure of talking to me even more with a comment like that? Therefore, I told him I found him attractive as well, and hoped for more charming banter. My wish was granted. The next e-mail said “O talk to me, muse.”
*insert swooning here*
Now anyone who knows me KNOWS I love the role-play medieval stuff, so I was hooked at Muse. We bantered back and forth in my best…or in this case worst… Shakespearian typing. This lead to shameless flirting from both parties. We then exchanged numbers, and he called a while later. Therefore, I know this about him…
He told me he does NOT like to be referred to as a “Ren Fairy”.
*insert insane giggling here*
He loves to be romantic.
*swooning again*
He is very affectionate. (Or “fectionate” for Cory)
He is very intelligent.
*Random Thought: OMG he spells things correctly!! YAY!*
He likes to play a rogue.
*Random thought: At least it is not a wizard*
He definitely would live in California.
We talked for two and a half hours, and most likely would have stayed on longer had my cell phone not died. I stayed up way past my bedtime…was it worth it?
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