Music can evoke so many feelings. It can make us cry, it can make us angry, it can make us smile, and laugh. Music is such a huge part of my life. I listen to it daily. I sing daily, and sometimes I even write. Not that I think I will be an amazing song writer some day, but it's just another way to express my feelings. I can still remember what was playing the last dance of my junior high graduation, and I can't ever hear that song, and not think of that night. There will always be songs that make me think of Wild Hare, and all the times I would jump up and dance when they played The Jackson Five. The way I would feel when Eddie would play Down Stream by Supertramp will always make me smile.
Adam Lambert's new album Trespassing
Megan Joy
I miss records. I miss how it would feel in your hand and the popping sound it make as you laid the needle down on it. I miss listening to a song over and over while I read all the liner notes, and gazed into the eyes of the artist on the cover. I would always imagine what it would be like to have my own album, and what I would call it. What would I wear on the cover, and would it be sad or fun? I will probably never know what that feels like, but I will always have that dream.
What are some of your favorite albums, singers, or songs? What memories do the bring back for you?
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